Pre-hospital emergency care practitioners have different job roles, practices, and challenges. But the risk of violence is one thing almost everyone has in common, even in peaceful settings.
Community-based ambulance staff and volunteers from the Red Cross Red Crescent and other ambulance organizations from all over the world registered to attend the first #Ambulance English Webinar of 2019. They discussed about the rights and responsibilities of healthcare personnel and why is it important to know them.
The next #Ambulance! webinar will take place on 10 April 2019.
Click here now to register for the next #Ambulance! webinars. They are held every second Wednesday of the month. (If you will be connecting from a mobile device, you will need to use the Webinar ID: 579-349-559.)
In 2016 and 2017, the Geneva Learning Foundation partnered for the first time with the Norwegian Red Cross. Together, we worked with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) to convene over 3,000 community-based ambulance practitioners from 110 countries. Together, they documented, analyzed, and peer reviewed 270 front-line incidents of violence.
This spring, we are inviting you to join this global Community of Action for four webinars, during which you and other practitioners will share stories, dilemmas and insights to make access to health care and its provision safer and better protected.
The recording, presentation, highlights, and selected quotes from our first webinar are now available in the Health Care in Danger community. If you are not yet a member of the Health Care in Danger community, you will first need to create your account.
To download the flyer announcing the webinars, click here. (Please share this with your colleagues.)
Please address any queries to coa.ambulance@redcross.no
Find us on facebook: facebook.com/AmbulanceRisk