We have different job roles, practices, and challenges. But the risk of violence is one thing almost everyone has in common, even in peaceful settings.
Despite the potentially serious impact of violence, shared experience, resources and training available may be limited.
In 2016 and 2017, we documented 270 front-line incidents of violence thanks to the ambulance and pre-hospital emergency care workers from 70 countries, who signed up to our #Ambulance! Exercises.
This Spring, we are inviting you to join this global Community
of Action for four webinars, during which you and other practitioners will share stories, dilemmas and insights to make access to health care and its provision safer and better protected.
Who is this initiative for?
If you work or have worked in an ambulance or other emergency care health service, whether in a peaceful country, during an emergency or times of an armed conflict, we urge you to join.
Nonmedical staff and volunteers working to ensure the safety and security of emergency health workers are also encouraged to join.
Click here now to join the #Ambulance! Crew every second Wednesday of the month.
If you will be connecting from a mobile device, you will need to use the Webinar ID: 579-349-559.
For more information click here.
Please address any queries to coa.ambulance@redcross.no
Find us on facebook: facebook.com/AmbulanceRisk