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Many new strategies and related guidance documents to reduce inequities and improve coverage have been developed at WHO based on the GRISP (Global Routine Immunization Strategies and Practices) and RED (Reaching Every District) guidelines. WHO recognizes that countries may need support to plan and implement the strategies and activities included in the guidelines and is therefore offering this course. Prior participation in the WHO Scholar GRISP Level 1 certification course is preferred but not required for participation in this course.
The purpose of Level 2 certification course is to focus on specialized topics within the broad GRISP umbrella:
- Reducing missed opportunities for immunization (MoV).
- Strengthening immunization in the second year of life (2YL).
- Integrating immunization across the life course and with other health interventions.
- Urban immunization and other targeted strategies to reduce inequities.
The main project in this course is the preparation of an action plan to implement relevant, innovative activities in one of four areas of focus.
Who should apply?
You stand to benefit from this course if…
- You work in the MoH or partner agency in the national or sub-national EPI programme or you are part of the WHO EPI staff in a country office.
- You are part of national or sub-national planning processes (cMYP, annual planning, GAVI TCA/HSS planning)
- You are motivated to implement innovative ideas to reduce inequities and increase immunization coverage in your country context.
- You have innovative ideas but need support to move from idea to action.
Click here to start your application for this course…

Learning objectives
Applicants who are selected to participate in the GRISP Level 2 certificate course are expected to be able to:
- Identify the guidelines most relevant to their context of work.
- Draw on the WHO guidelines to devise innovative strategies and activities that are relevant to their specific country context and challenges.
- Develop strategic and innovative plans for reducing inequities and increasing immunization coverage.
Some Scholars may then be invited by WHO for continued technical support to implement these plans.
Participants should expect to:
- Dedicate at least 6-8 hours per week to course work.
- Participate remotely in the weekly, mandatory, 60-minute group discussion that will take place online once a week.
- Complete activities that have been divided into short daily tasks intended to be completed in 30 minutes.
Each set of course activities must be completed within a given week. Participants may schedule their work at any time during the week, except for the weekly group session which is scheduled at a fixed day and time each week. (Those unable to attend for a legitimate reason will be asked to view the recording and complete a catch-up task.)
In addition to these required activities, there may be optional activities for specific topics.
WHO guidelines
Participants will be invited to select one WHO guideline that is relevant to their context of work in order to develop an action plan to implement activities for:
- Establishing and strengthening immunization in the second year of life: Practices for vaccination beyond infancy, WHO 2018.
- Working together: An integration resource guide for immunization services throughout the life course, WHO 2018.
- Planning Guide to reduce Missed Opportunities for Vaccination, WHO 2017.
- Urban immunization toolkit and guidelines on reducing inequities in immunization.
Added value
- Accelerated learning on the use of WHO guidelines on routine immunization strengthening.
- The main course project is intended to be directly applicable to the development of an annual EPI plan.
- Participants will work both in small groups (peer review) and as a community to compare and share best practices in immunization planning with WHO EPI staff from country offices and global experts from WHO, increasing collaboration across the WHO levels and with Partners, to work toward country impact.
- WHO will issue a certificate of participation to those who successfully complete all the requirements of the course.
- Develop your digital skills to collaborate and learn remotely, as a member of the WHO Scholar Alumni Community for Impact.
Added value
- The course provides accelerated learning on the use of the latest WHO guidelines to develop a practical action plan to improve immunization coverage in a specific national or sub-national context.
- WHO staff working at global, regional and country offices and global experts will support the course participants to ensure planned activities are implemented for impact at country level.
- Participants will work both in small groups (peer review) and as a community to share best practices in immunization planning.
- In addition to peer review by colleagues, proposals may also receive feedback from subject matter experts at WHO headquarters and regional offices.
- WHO will issue a Level 2 certificate to those who successfully complete all the requirements of the course.
- Your digital skills to collaborate and learn remotely will be strengthened, as a member of the WHO Scholar Impact Accelerator.
Some participants may be invited by WHO to further develop their proposals to receive continued technical support toward inclusion of activities in the Targeted Country Assistance (TCA) plans.
Upon successful completion of the course and following validation of your final project and assignments by the course team and subject matter experts at WHO headquarters, you will receive a certificate of completion from the World Health Organization.
- Each certificate is valid for a duration of three years.
- Certificate holders agree to show upon request a portfolio of their work that includes the project(s) produced in Scholar.