Invitation: WHO Scholar webinar series to reduce inequities and improve coverage

Are you committed to reducing inequities and improving coverage in your country?

The WHO Scholar programme is pleased to invite you to:

  • attend the webinar series about reducing inequities and improving coverage for immunization
  • share the invitation with your trusted colleagues and networks

Should you register for these webinars?

Please register for these webinars only if:

  • You are truly committed to reducing inequities and improving coverage for immunization; and
  • You are sure to attend.

Why is the World Health Organization offering this webinar series?

WHO recognizes that countries may need support to plan and implement the strategies and activities included in guidelines.

Many new strategies and related guidance documents to reduce inequities and improve coverage have been developed at WHO based on the GRISP (Global Routine Immunization Strategies and Practices) and RED (Reaching Every District) guidelines.

The WHO Scholar programme is therefore offering a webinar series open to everyone, focusing on four topics within the broad GRISP umbrella:

  1. Reducing missed opportunities for immunization (MoV).
  2. Strengthening immunization in the second year of life (2YL).
  3. Integrating immunization across the life course and with other health interventions.
  4. Urban immunization and other targeted strategies to reduce inequities.

These open, interactive webinars:

  • aim to answer “How do I…?” with practical examples and methods shared by a global expert.
  • support the progress of participants, who will be able to engage directly with the presenters.
  • will be open to attendance by those who are not taking the course, with no upper limit to the number of attendees.

Who should participate?

You stand to benefit from these webinars if…

  • You work in the MoH or partner agency in the national or sub-national EPI programme or you are part of the WHO EPI staff in a country office.
  • You are part of national or sub-national planning processes (cMYP, annual planning, GAVI TCA/HSS planning)
  • You are motivated to implement innovative ideas to reduce inequities and increase immunization coverage in your country context.
  • You have innovative ideas but need support to move from idea to action.

Participants in the WHO Scholar Level 2 certification in reducing inequities and improving coverage are expected to attend these webinars.

Webinar 1. Establishing and strengthening immunization in the second year of life (2YL)

  • 15 May 2019 at 14h (2 PM) Geneva (check time)
  • Topic: Establishing and strengthening immunization in the second year of life: Practices for vaccination beyond infancy, WHO 2018.
  • Lead presenter: Samir Sodha (WHO)

Webinar 2. Immunization services throughout the life course

  • 16 May 2019 at 14h (2 PM) Geneva (check time)
  • Lead presenter: Emily Wootton (WHO)
  • Topic: Working together: An integration resource guide for immunization services throughout the life course

Webinar 3. Reducing inequities in urban immunization

  • 27 May 2019 at 14h (2 PM) Geneva (check time)
  • Topic: Urban immunization toolkit and guidelines on reducing inequities in immunization.
  • Lead presenter: Godwin Mindra (UNICEF)

Webinar 4. Reducing Missed Opportunities for Vaccination (MOV)

  • 29 May 2019 at 14h (2 PM) Geneva (check time)
  • Topic: Planning Guide to reduce Missed Opportunities for Vaccination
  • Lead presenter: Laura Nic Lochlainn (WHO)

Webinar 5. Deep dive on immunization services throughout the life course

  • 5 June 2019 at 14h (2 PM) Geneva (check time)
  • Topic: Working together: An integration resource guide for immunization services throughout the life course
  • Lead presenter: Emily Wootton (WHO)

Webinar 6. Deep dive on immunization in the second year of life (2YL)

  • 12 June 2019 at 14h (2 PM) Geneva (check time)
  • Topic: Establishing and strengthening immunization in the second year of life: Practices for vaccination beyond infancy
  • Lead presenter: Samir Sodha (WHO)

Digital health: The Geneva Learning Foundation to bring AI-driven training to health workers in 90 countries

GENEVA, 23 April 2019 – The Geneva Learning Foundation (GLF) is partnering with artificial intelligence (AI) learning pioneer Wildfire to pilot cutting edge learning technology with over 1,000 immunization professionals in 90 countries, many working at the district level.

British startup Wildfire, an award-winning innovator, is helping the Swiss non-profit tackle a wicked problem: while international organizations publish global guidelines, norms, and standards, they often lack an effective, scalable mechanism to support countries to turn these into action that leads to impact.

By using machine learning to automate the conversion of such guidelines into learning modules, Wildfire’s AI reduces the cost of training health workers to recall critical information. This is a key step for global norms and standards to translate into making a real impact in the health of people.

If the pilot is successful, Wildfire’s AI will be included in TGLF’s Scholar Approach, a state-of-the-art evidence-based package of pedagogies to deliver high-quality, multi-lingual learning. This unique Approach has already been shown to not only enhance competencies but also to foster collaborative implementation of transformative projects that began as course work.

TGLF President Reda Sadki (@redasadki) said: “The global community allocates considerable human and financial resources to training (1). This investment should go into pedagogical innovation to revolutionize health (2).”

Wildfire CEO Donald Clark (@donaldclark) said: “As a Learning Innovation Partner to the Geneva learning Foundation, our aim is to improve the adoption and application of digital learning toward achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).”

Three learning modules based on the World Health Organization’s Global Routine Immunization Strategies and Practices (GRISP) guidelines are now available to pilot participants, including Alumni of the WHO Scholar Level 1 GRISP certification in routine immunization planning. They will be asked to evaluate the relevance of such modules for their own training needs.

About Wildfire

Wildfire is one of the Foundation’s first Learning Innovation Partners. It is an award-winning educational technology startup based in the United Kingdom.

  • Described by the company as the “first AI driven content creation tool”, Wildfire’s system takes any document, PowerPoint or video to automatically create online learning.
  • This may reduce costs and time required to produce self-guided e-learning that can help improve the ability to recall information.

About the Geneva Learning Foundation

The mission of the Geneva Learning Foundation (TGLF) is to research, invent, and trial breakthrough approaches for new learning, talent and leadership as a way of shaping humanity and society for the better.

  • Learning Innovation Partners (LIP) are startups selected by the Foundation to trial new ways of doing new things to tackle ‘wicked’ problems that have resisted conventional approaches.
  • The Foundation is currently developing the first Impact Accelerator to support learners using the Scholar Approach beyond training, with support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF).


 (1) The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. “Framework for Immunization Training and Learning.” Seattle, USA: The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, August 2017.

(2) Sadki, R., 2013. The significance of technology for humanitarian education, in: World Disasters Report 2013: Technology and the Effectiveness of Humanitarian Action. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Geneva.

#Ambulance! 2019 English Webinar 04 (recording and resources)

Pre-hospital emergency care practitioners have different job roles, practices, and challenges. But the risk of violence is one thing almost everyone has in common, even in peaceful settings.

Community-based ambulance staff and volunteers from the Red Cross Red Crescent and other ambulance organizations from all over the world registered to attend the first #Ambulance English Webinar of 2019. They discussed about the rights and responsibilities of healthcare personnel and why is it important to know them.

The next #Ambulance! webinar will take place on 10 April 2019.

Click here now to register for the next #Ambulance! webinars. They are held every second Wednesday of the month. (If you will be connecting from a mobile device, you will need to use the Webinar ID: 579-349-559.)

In 2016 and 2017, the Geneva Learning Foundation partnered for the first time with the Norwegian Red Cross. Together, we worked with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) to convene over 3,000 community-based ambulance practitioners from 110 countries. Together, they documented, analyzed, and peer reviewed 270 front-line incidents of violence.

This spring, we are inviting you to join this global Community of Action for four webinars, during which you and other practitioners will share stories, dilemmas and insights to make access to health care and its provision safer and better protected.

The recording, presentation, highlights, and selected quotes from our first webinar are now available in the Health Care in Danger community. If you are not yet a member of the Health Care in Danger community, you will first need to create your account.

To download the flyer announcing the webinars, click here. (Please share this with your colleagues.)

Please address any queries to

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Webinaire 04 de l’Académie du monitorage de la vaccination: les dénominateurs (ressources et enregistrement)

GENÈVE, LE 26 NOVEMBRE 2018 – Voici les objectifs du quatrième webinaire de l’Académie du monitorage de la vaccination (AMV):

  • Débattre de l’utilisation des estimations de population dans le cadre de la vaccination.
  • Débattre des défis à relever concernant les estimations de population.
  • Fournir des idées concrètes pour renforcer:
    • L’estimation du dénominateur pour le contrôle de la couverture
    • La détermination des cibles dans la planification des activités de vaccination

Cliquez ici pour accéder au dossier des ressources de ce webinaire

NOTE: L’inscription est obligatoire, même si vous avez déjà participé à d’autres wébinaires (en anglais ou en français) de l’Académie. Par contre, une fois inscrit, vous recevrez automatiquement les annonces pour tous les wébinaires cette année en français.

Ces webinaires de l’Académie du monitorage de la vaccination (AMV):

  • visent à répondre «Comment faire…?» Avec des exemples pratiques et des méthodes partagés par des experts reconnus.
  • participent à la progression des apprenants au cours de certificat de niveau 1 de l’Académie.
  • seront ouverts à ceux qui ne suivent pas le cours, sans limite du nombre de participants.

Les webinaires de l’Académie du monitorage de la vaccination sont ouverts à tous. Si nous la capacité maximale de 1,000 participants est atteinte, vous pouvez toujours participer à l’événement sur notre page Facebook.

Vous voulez en savoir plus sur l’Académie de surveillance de la vaccination? Cliquez ici

WHO Immunization Monitoring Academy (IMA) Webinar 05: Health Management Information Systems (recording and resources)

GENEVA, 21 November 2018 – This webinar focused on Health Management Information Systems (HMIS). Participants were invited to share their experience with the use of an HMIS for immunization monitoring.

Carine Gachen from GAVI was Jan Grevendonk’s guest for this webinar.

IMA webinars are open to everyone. If we reach capacity (1,000 participants), you can still participate in the event on our Facebook page, where it will be broadcast on Facebook LIVE.

Want to know more about the Immunization Monitoring Academy? Click here

Webinaire 03 de l’Académie du monitorage de la vaccination: Améliorer l’utilisation des données au niveau du service (ressources et enregistrement)

GENÈVE, LE 19 NOVEMBRE 2018 – Voici les objectifs du troisième webinaire de l’Académie du monitorage de la vaccination (AMV):

  • discuter de la culture des données que nous souhaitons créer;
  • discuter des différentes modalités d’apprentissage susceptible d’aller vers ce but; et 
  • découvrir des outils et des interventions qui pourraient améliorer l’utilisation des données.

Cliquez ici pour accéder au dossier des ressources de ce webinaire

NOTE: L’inscription est obligatoire, même si vous avez déjà participé à d’autres wébinaires (en anglais ou en français) de l’Académie. Par contre, une fois inscrit, vous recevrez automatiquement les annonces pour tous les wébinaires cette année en français.

Ces webinaires de l’Académie du monitorage de la vaccination (AMV):

  • visent à répondre «Comment faire…?» Avec des exemples pratiques et des méthodes partagés par des experts reconnus.
  • participent à la progression des apprenants au cours de certificat de niveau 1 de l’Académie.
  • seront ouverts à ceux qui ne suivent pas le cours, sans limite du nombre de participants.

Les webinaires de l’Académie du monitorage de la vaccination sont ouverts à tous. Si nous la capacité maximale de 1,000 participants est atteinte, vous pouvez toujours participer à l’événement sur notre page Facebook.

Vous voulez en savoir plus sur l’Académie de surveillance de la vaccination? Cliquez ici

WHO Immunization Monitoring Academy (IMA) Webinar 04: Denominators (recording and resources)

GENEVA, 14 November 2018 – The objectives of this webinar on denominators were:

  • Discuss use of population estimates in immunization
  • Discuss challenges with population estimates
  • Provide concrete ideas to strengthen:
    • Denominators for coverage monitoring
    • Targets for planning

Mamadou Diallo from UNICEF was Jan Grevendonk’s guest for this webinar.

IMA webinars are open to everyone. If we reach capacity (1,000 participants), you can still participate in the event on our Facebook page, where it will be broadcast on Facebook LIVE.

Want to know more about the Immunization Monitoring Academy? Click here

Webinaire 02 de l’Académie du monitorage de la vaccination: couverture vaccinale et équité (enregistrement et ressources)

GENÈVE, LE 12 NOVEMBRE 2018 – Ce deuxième webinaire organisé par l’Académie du monitorage de la vaccination (OMS) de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS) avait pour objectif de:

  • faire le point sur la couverture vaccinale et l’équité; 
  • expliquer comment les données nationales sont collectées et utilisées à une échelle internationale; et de
  • vous indiquer les outils, les données, et les visualisations qui pourraient vous servir dans le cadre de vos analyses.

NOTE: L’inscription est obligatoire, même si vous avez déjà participé à d’autres wébinaires (en anglais ou en français) de l’Académie. Par contre, une fois inscrit, vous recevrez automatiquement les annonces pour tous les wébinaires cette année en français.

Ces webinaires de l’Académie du monitorage de la vaccination (AMV):

  • visent à répondre «Comment faire…?» Avec des exemples pratiques et des méthodes partagés par des experts reconnus.
  • participent à la progression des apprenants au cours de certificat de niveau 1 de l’Académie.
  • seront ouverts à ceux qui ne suivent pas le cours, sans limite du nombre de participants.

Les webinaires de l’Académie du monitorage de la vaccination sont ouverts à tous. Si nous la capacité maximale de 1,000 participants est atteinte, vous pouvez toujours participer à l’événement sur notre page Facebook.

Vous voulez en savoir plus sur l’Académie de surveillance de la vaccination? Cliquez ici

WHO Immunization Monitoring Academy (IMA) Webinar 03: Data use culture and workforce development (recording and resources)

GENEVA, 7 November 2018

Jhilmil Bahl, WHO Capacity building and training officer, was Jan Grevendonk‘s guest for this webinar.

  • What do we want health facility staff to do to improve data?
  • Why does this not always happen?
  • What can we improve and how?

These are some of the questions that kicked off our discussion about capacity-building to improve data and ultimately change the “data culture”.

IMA webinars are open to everyone. If we reach capacity (1,000 participants), you can still participate in the event on our Facebook page, where it will be broadcast on Facebook LIVE.

Want to know more about the Immunization Monitoring Academy? Click here

#Ambulance! webinar 02 (6 November 2018) recording and resources

Pre-hospital emergency care practitioners have different job roles, practices, and challenges. But the risk of violence is one thing almost everyone has in common, even in peaceful settings.

Over 150 front-line, community-based ambulance staff and volunteers from the Red Cross Red Crescent and other ambulance organizations from all over the world registered to attend in response to a call for support from colleagues Christophe Lobi Dile and Aloysius Anthony Alvarez. They presented operational experience from the Democratic Republic Congo (armed groups) and the Philippines (hostage situation). Together, they discussed three key questions:

  1. Are there joint coordination protocols with other ambulance providers and first responders?
  2. What procedures does your organisation have in place when dispatching an ambulance in insecure context?
  3. What are the mechanisms through which your organisation ensures communication with state armed and security forces? Do similar mechanims exist with respect to non-state actors?

The next #Ambulance! webinar will take place on 29 November 2018. Click here to register… (Webinar ID: 441-285-759)

In 2016 and 2017, the Geneva Learning Foundation partnered for the first time with the Norwegian Red Cross. Together, we worked with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) to convene over 3,000 community-based ambulance practitioners from 110 countries. Together, they documented, analyzed, and peer reviewed 270 front-line incidents of violence.

This fall, we are inviting you to join this global Community of Action for three webinars, during which you and other practitioners will share stories, dilemmas and insights to make access to health care and its provision safer and better protected.

The recording, presentation, highlights, and selected quotes from our first webinar are now available in the Health Care in Danger community. If you are not yet a member of the Health Care in Danger community, you will first need to create your account.