Avez-vous un intérêt pour les registres numériques de vaccination (RNV)?

La Fondation Apprendre Genève a le plaisir d’annoncer le lancement par l’Organisation pan-américaine de la Santé (OPS) de son programme Scholar, avec un cours inaugural en espagnol sur le thème des registres numériques de vaccination (RNV).

Si vous souhaitez suivre ce cours en anglais ou en français, nous vous invitons à déclarer votre intérêt. Accédez au formulaire…

Veuillez partager cette invitation avec vos collègues et réseaux de confiance.

Lorsque vous enregistrez votre déclaration d’intérêt, le lien pour télécharger la publication “Registre numériques de vaccination: considérations pratiques pour la planification, le développement, la mise en œuvre et l’évaluation, 2018” (en anglais) s’affiche à l’écran.

Si vous parlez espagnol ou travaillez avec des hispanophones, vous trouverez l’annonce complète du cours et le dossier de candidature via ce lien

Are you interested in Electronic Immunization Registries (EIR)?

The Geneva Learning Foundation is pleased to announce that the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO) has just launched its Scholar programme with an inaugural course in Spanish on the topic of electronic immunization registries (EIR).

If you would be interested in taking this course in English or in French, please complete this form to express your interest.

Upon registering your interest, the link to download the publication Electronic Immunization Registry: Practical Considerations for Planning, Development, Implementation and Evaluation, 2018 will be displayed on your screen.

If you are a Spanish speaker or work with Spanish speakers, you will find the full course announcement via this linkPlease share this call for expressions of interest with your trusted colleagues and networks.

Over 600 professionals from 53 countries connect to lead change towards global immunization goals

I would like to join hands with other Scholars to create a data improvement plan that will improve the quality of data in Lagos and in Nigeria as a whole.

Simisola Abedeji, Data Assistant, WHO, Nigeria

Over 600 professionals from 53 countries connect to lead transformative change towards the global immunization goals.

GENEVA, 1 JULY 2019 – The Geneva Learning Foundation (TGLF) today launched the first-ever exercise of its new Impact Accelerator.  Open to all Alumni working on immunization,  over 600 alumni from 53 countries have pledged to create a new dynamic, transforming projects developed during courses they have taken together into measurable progress towards the global goals for immunization.

“The Impact Accelerator offers a flexible approach to support professionals on the ground working for impact better and faster, together” explains Reda Sadki (@redasadki), president of the Geneva Learning Foundation. “We noticed Scholar Alumni were, without any support from us, implementing Scholar projects in the field and spontaneously coming together in informal groups.  When we performed the first impact evaluation, we found real, measurable impact from such initiatives. We realised that there was an opportunity to accelerate such change.”

Over a third  of the Scholars who have signed up to the Impact Accelerator programme work at the district level. Two thirds have displayed exceptional talent and leadership in Scholar courses, serving as volunteer tutors and coaches known as “Accompanists”.

These are the professionals who together have the potential to transform global guidelines into action in the field.

The structure and activities of the Impact Accelerator were finalised through five consultative meetings with Alumni. “It was indispensable”, says Sadki, “to recognise the value of Scholars’ experience and expertise of their own contexts. They know where the children are.”

“I would like to participate in the Impact Accelerator as a country team leader. I will first and foremost want to put in place a solid Scholar group for my country that is recognized, validated and supported by the country’s immunization leadership.”

Charlotte Njua Mbuh, Data Manager and Surveillance Officer, South Regional Delegation of Public Health, Cameroon

Alongside this inaugural exercise, the Foundation has also partnered with Dr David Koffi, who is leading a GAVI-supported project to accelerate the development of a new generation of vaccination coverage survey leaders. This project to improve the quality of surveys will provide field-based training to a small group drawn from the WHO Survey Scholar programme, an 18-week course to teach the WHO Coverage Cluster Surveys Reference Manual.

About the Foundation’s Scholar Approach

The Geneva Learning Foundation’s Scholar Approach is a state-of-the-art evidence-based package for capability development required to lead complex change. This unique Approach has already been shown to not only enhance competencies but also to foster collaborative implementation of transformative projects that begin as course work and end with impact.

The Scholar Approach is being developed with support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF).

OMS SPMVS Scholar Cohorte II: Cérémonie de remise des certificats du 3 juillet 2018

L’équipe pédagogique, les experts, et les apprenants de la deuxième cohorte du cours sur l’utilisation des Stratégies et pratiques mondiales de vaccination systématique (SPMVS) de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS) ont eu l’honneur et le plaisir de vous accueillir à la Cérémonie de remise des certificats et présentation d’une sélection des plans d’actions SPMVS des apprenants, le mardi 3 juillet 2018.

Ils étaient 94 apprenants de cette seconde promotion à recevoir leurs certificats de participation, délivré par l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS).

Les intervenants suivants ont pris la parole à cette occasion:

  • Diana Chang Blanc, Chef d’équipe du Programme élargi de vaccination et Coordonnateur ad interim, Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS)
  • Blanche Anya, Regional Routine Immunization Officer, Bureau régional pour l’Afrique de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS)
  • Alain Blaise Tatsinkou, Accompagnateur OMS Scholar
  • Reda Sadki, coordinateur pédagogique des cours OMS Scholar

12 apprenants de cette cohorte s’étaient portés volontaires pour présenter le plan d’activités SPMVS développés dans le cadre du cours.

Plus de 400 personnes ont assisté à  cet événement qui a été diffusé sur la page Facebook #DigitalScholar (lien vers l’archive de la diffusion avec les commentaires).

Voici l’enregistrement de la Cérémonie de remise des certificats à la seconde promotion du cours OMS SPMVS Scholar.


INVITATION à la Cérémonie de remise des certificats le 3 juillet 2018: Stratégies et pratiques mondiales de vaccination systématique (SPMVS) de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé

L’équipe pédagogique, les experts, et les apprenants de la seconde cohorte du cours sur l’utilisation des Stratégies et pratiques mondiales de vaccination systématique (SPMVS) de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS) ont l’honneur et le plaisir de vous inviter à la Cérémonie de remise des certificats et présentation d’une sélection des plans d’actions SPMVS des apprenants.

Nous vous prions de télécharger l’invitation pour la partager avec vos collègues et vos réseaux professionnels.


#Ambulance! September 2017 Commencement Exercises

Pre-hospital emergency workers have different job roles, practices, and challenges. But the risk of violence is one thing almost all practitioners has in common, even in peaceful settings.

Despite the potentially serious impact of violence, shared experience, resources and training available has been (and remains) limited.

In October  2016, over 700 pre-hospital emergency workers from 70 countries signed up for the first #Ambulance! exercise to “share experience and document situations of violence”. This initiative was led by Norwegian Red Cross in partnership with the Geneva Learning Foundation and in collaboration with the ICRC and IFRC, as part of the Health Care in Danger project’s Community of Action for Pre-Hospital Emergency Care.

This exercise leveraged the Scholar Approach, developed by the Geneva Learning Foundation. In 2013, IFRC had been the first humanitarian organization to pilot this approach to produce 105 case studies documenting learning in emergency operations.

In three four-week exercises in October 2016, June 2017, and September 2017, participants documented and peer-reviewed 270 incidents of violence face by front-line, community-based health workers.

By June 2017, ambulance leaders had taken over facilitation and coordination of these exercises, volunteering to support colleagues from all over the world.

On 11 October 2017, the #Ambulance! Crew (as they had dubbed themselves) convened to take stock of the initiative’s first year, holding formal Commencement Exercises. Click here to view the full recording (1 hour 25 minutes) of this event

A few things we have done together since October 2016

Three #Ambulance! leaders addressed this gathering of practitioners, sharing what they learned from these exercises and why they strengthened their commitment to make access to health care and its provision safer and better protected.

Dr Hanna Kaade: Address at the #Ambulance! Commencement Exercises
Dr Cristina Guerrero: Address at the #Ambulance! Commencement Exercises

Michael Bradfield: Address at the #Ambulance! Commencement Exercises

Participants were invited to share their feedback on the third #Ambulance! exercise.

Feedback on the third #Ambulance! Exercise (September 2017)

You may also be interested in this presentation about the first year of the #Ambulance! project by Reda Sadki, at the second global meeting of the Health Care in Danger (HCiD) project in Geneva, Switzerland (17–18 May 2017).

You can also read more about the work of the Community of Action for Pre-Hospital Emergency Care on the ICRC’s Health Care in Danger web site.